Does Vaping Stain Teeth?

/ 3 minute read

Does Vaping Stain Teeth?

It is well known that smoking severely impacts oral health. From teeth staining to oral cancer, the chemicals found in a cigarette have been extensively proven to impair our oral well-being. However, fewer studies have been conducted to measure the effect vaping has, notably whether using an e-cigarette stains teeth.

The team at EDGE Vaping investigated whether the chemicals and other agents found in vape liquid have staining properties, and what you can do to reduce their effect. Read our advice below to understand if what you are inhaling is damaging to your oral health, and explore the EDGE Vaping News Hub to develop a comprehensive understanding of vaping and beyond.

What causes staining in teeth?

Visible and gradual discolouration in teeth is primarily caused by regular intake of foods and drinks with staining properties, which stain the outermost layer of the enamel in yellow or brown colour. An imbalance of acidity levels in the mouth, alongside a degradation of the enamel, and a lack of good dental hygiene, are the largest causes of teeth staining.

While staining on the outside layer of the enamel can be removed by polishing or scaling at the hands of an oral hygienist, this can be expensive and cause further degradation of your teeth’s health, leading to further oral health complications down the line.

In the case of cigarettes - a notorious tooth stainer - the leading causative agents are tar and nicotine.

By instilling good dental hygiene practices, you can substantially reduce the daily impact of certain products on your teeth, allowing them to shine once more.

Do vapes contain staining agents?

While vape liquids do not contain tar, the vast majority have nicotine, which can cause staining. The issue of staining stems from an unhealthy enamel coating on the teeth. If the enamel is not able to protect the tooth from stains or other chemicals as it is intended, more is absorbed into the tooth, staining it permanently.

Similar to drinking coloured foods and drink, such as grape juice, the coloured particles can be absorbed into the enamel and stain the teeth. If your enamel is at an unhealthy level, nicotine inhaled from vaping can stain your teeth.

Preventive hygiene is just as important

As such, it is vital that if you vape, you maintain excellent dental practices that protect the enamel from staining. Furthermore, preventative measures, such as flossing, will significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, which is another potential by-product of excessive nicotine consumption.

By means of elimination, making the switch from smoking to vaping will greatly reduce the rate at which you can stain your teeth. That being said, if you have been a regular smoker of cigarettes over a long period of time, your enamel and gum health may have been substantially impacted.

You should therefore be regularly seen by a professional oral hygienist, who will be able to assess your oral health and warn you about the risks of your daily habits. What is sure is that the recommendation of moving away from smoking will be at the forefront of any medical practising professional.

Reduce the risk and cut out the perpetrators

In conclusion, vape liquids that contain nicotine have the possibility of staining your teeth. Although, this is precautionary guidance, as fewer studies have been conducted on the effect of vaping on teeth staining. In any case, moving away from well-known contributing factors to staining, such as tea, coffee, and smoking, is proven to reduce the rate of teeth staining.

If you have concerns about the staining of your teeth by vaping, you should maintain good dental hygiene habits to protect them - the effects of nicotine delivered by e-cigarette vapour may be greatly reduced to the point where you may not even be able to notice, thanks to not also carrying dirty compounds found in cigarette smoke.