Success Stories

Success Stories

Scroll down to read how our customers have benefitted from making the switch with EDGE.

"It's cheaper"
- Jane

"vaping works" 
- Liam

"I'm proud of the change I've made"
- Ryan

"I started playing football"
- John


“I didn't know how I would take to vaping, and I was stubborn that it wouldn't work. I would agree that I didn't take to vaping immediately, but the more I did and the more it satisfied cravings the more confident I was into vaping as a means to quit smoking.”Liam

“Give it a try, if one device / flavour / strength doesn't work, try with something else and don't give up. Don't assume if your first vaping experience doesn't work first time, it will fail altogether. Trial and error required.”Jane

“It's all about having the right product. I've tried vaping before which didn't work, this time it has because I tried different options and found the product that worked for me. Everyone is different.”Ryan

“Be prepared - have a spare charged device or two and spare pods, like in your car / at work, so if you forget it, you're much less likely to buy cigarettes.”John

Our Champions

Explore the stories of real people who chose to start their vaping journey with EDGE.

Over the course of 6 months, we have supported our volunteers through the often-challenging process of leaving cigarettes behind.

With their pick of our complete range of vaping products and comprehensive support and guidance, our dedicated participants have achieved some amazing things!

Read on to learn about the Switch with EDGE initiative, explore our champions’ success stories and find out how you can get involved too.







Meet Jane

Who are they: Jane
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Occupation: Business owner
Time as a smoker: 15+ years
Cigarettes per Day: 3
Weekly smoking expense: £12
Personal Goal: To quit smoking by making the switch
EDGE Products Chosen: GO with 6mg pods, & Pro with 3mg e-liquid

Jane’s Switch with EDGE Experience.

Exploring different flavours with the Pro device was Jane’s key to avoiding boredom.

EDGE: How did you find the transition from smoking to vaping?

Jane: “I was really surprised by the convenience of using the GO, but I actually preferred the Pro as I could explore more flavours to find what worked for me and the quick release coil made it super simple to use. My taste buds got used to one flavour after a while, so I found switching it up with different fruit flavours kept it interesting and worked well.”

Temptation in social situations proved to be one of the biggest barriers for Jane.

EDGE: What was your biggest challenge during the process?

Jane: “High-stress moments and often just being around other people who smoke made things difficult as the temptation was hard to ignore. I found having a vape gave me something else to reach for and gave me the same satisfaction I would have expected from a cigarette.”

Jane had tried to stop smoking unsuccessfully 5 times before entering this trial.

EDGE: How did Switching with EDGE compare to the previous times you have tried to quit smoking?

Jane: “Nicotine patches worked really well and took away my cravings, but they were quite expensive and still took a fair bit of willpower to stick to. This time I found vaping wasn’t just cheaper, but took less willpower too, which was probably because I was still inhaling something.”

Vaping has given Jane the ability to cut out those last few cigarettes from her life.

EDGE: Do you feel you have achieved what you set out to at the beginning?

Jane: “Definitely, those last few cigarettes are gone from my life. It took a surprisingly small amount of effort to make the switch to vaping – much less than I thought despite having already reduced my habit before the trial. I genuinely enjoy using it more than I did smoking now, it feels as good after a meal, and it definitely relaxes me."

Be Prepared to explore different options!

EDGE: What advice would you give to others looking to make the switch?

Jane: “Be prepared to explore your options and don’t just give up if you try one flavour and it isn’t for you – there are loads to choose from! Keep trying until you find the best combination of flavour and strength for you, everyone will be a little different so you should try to find your favourite. Trial and error are everything!"

Meet John

Who are they: John
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Occupation: Musician (Musical Theatre)
Time as a Smoker: 15+ Years
Cigarettes per Day: 8
Weekly Smoking Expense: £33
Personal Goal: To reduce his smoking by substituting cigarettes for vaping.
EDGE Products Chosen: GO with 12mg pods.

John’s Switch with EDGE Experience.

John was shocked by how easy the GO device was to use.

EDGE: How did you find the transition from smoking to vaping?

John: “A combination of the EDGE GO, which was effortless to use, and exploring some different flavour options to find one that worked really helped me adjust. I really can’t overstate how easy it was with the GO, a lot less effort than I expected.”

John’s biggest barrier during the trial was temptation in his work environment.

EDGE: What was your biggest challenge during the process?

John: “The work environment when playing at my gigs was tempting, and I’m still working on this last bit of my smoking habit. Fortunately, it's only a very small percentage of my lifestyle. Since vaping with EDGE these last few cigs worry me a lot less, as vaping means they are not leading me to temptation at times outside of work and I feel in control.”

John had tried quitting twice before using both patches and vaping.

EDGE: How did Switching with EDGE compare to the previous times you have tried to quit smoking?

John: “I had tried vaping once before but bought into ‘cloud chasing’ with a massive device. The nicotine strength of the e-liquids you need for those was far too low and didn’t meet my cravings though. The GO is much more like what I needed - effortless to use, really compact and practical, plus I’ve now found a strength that hits right!”

John now feels like he’s in a much better place on his quitting journey!

EDGE: Do you feel you have achieved what you set out to at the beginning?

John: “I’ve not fully stopped but it’s been such an effortless experience this time around I now have a real desire to quit for good. I’m in a much better position without feeling like I’ve had to make sacrifices. I already feel healthier and am now self-labelling as a vaper, not a smoker. Vaping sidestepped my barriers and I feel I’ve overhit my goals!”

Move between Strengths to satisfy more or less intense cravings.

EDGE: What advice would you give to others looking to make the switch?

John: “Go one mg strength higher than you expect. So, if you think six will be enough, try 12mg first to have a stronger chance of getting the craving satisfaction required, so you're not instantly disappointed – don't be shy about vaping more if you need it and always carry a spare device!”


Who are they: Ryan
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Occupation: Architecture Technician
Time as a Smoker: 5-10 years
Cigarettes per Day: 15
Weekly Smoking Expense: £40
Personal Goal: To only smoke socially by replacing daily cigs with vaping
EDGE Products Chosen: GO with 20mg nic salt pods.

Ryan’s Switch with EDGE Experience

Ryan wanted a simple device like the GO and experimented with nicotine levels to find the right match.

EDGE: How did you find the transition from smoking to vaping?

Ryan: “I tried 18mg freebase first, but even though it gave me a good nic hit, it was a bit harsh for my taste. I changed to using the 20mg nic salts though and they’ve been great, that same big nic hit but much smoother. The Go is brilliant though, dead simple to use and no coil faffing!”

Ryan didn’t expect to be satisfied by vaping, especially in social situations.

EDGE: What was your biggest challenge during the process?

Ryan: “Definitely the temptation when going out drinking. I’m smoking less and feel more in control snice making the switch – but this is still a barrier I’m working on. Initially I thought the enjoyment of a cigarette would be hard to beat but finding the right vaping product has definitely tipped the scales for me.”

Ryan had tried to quit once before using a combination of vaping and nicotine replacement medication Champix.

EDGE: How did Switching with EDGE compare to the previous times you have tried to quit smoking?

Ryan: Champix kept my cravings at bay for almost six months, but it just wasn’t very enjoyable so ultimately failed. I had tried vaping but had a massive device with low strength e-liquid and big clouds - it didn’t do the job. I’ve realised since using the GO that I don’t need a big smoke machine to enjoy vaping.”

Ryan is pleased with his progress since making the switch.

EDGE: Do you feel you have achieved what you set out to at the beginning?

Ryan: “I've not quit entirely but going from 15 cigs to 1 or 2 is definitely an improvement in my book! I’m only smoking socially now which I’m a lot more comfortable with. I feel better in myself; I’ve even started playing football more and am planning on joining a gym soon!”

Make small changes and make sure you find the right device for your needs.

EDGE: What advice would you give to others looking to make the switch?

Ryan: “It's all about having the right product. I've tried vaping before and it didn't work, this time it has because I tried different options and found the product that worked for me. Everyone is different.”

“Some occasions are easier to switch than others - Like I said to my friends, who I've now got onto the EDGE GO products too: you have to want to make that step and try a product out. Take your time, make small manageable changes – I did, and by month 3 I was doing really well.”

Meet liam

Who are they: Liam
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Occupation: Brand Marketing Manager
Time as a Smoker: 15+ Years
Cigarettes per Day: 12
Weekly Smoking Expense: £46~
Personal Goal: To quit smoking by making the switch.
EDGE Products Chosen: GO with 6mg & 12mg pods.

Liam’s Switch with EDGE Experience

Liam had a lot of doubts about vaping, but was surprised by how well the EDGE GO worked for him.

EDGE: How did you find the transition from smoking to vaping?

Liam: “I honestly didn’t have a great deal of faith that vaping would work for me, but I was pleasantly surprised by how wrong that turned out to be! I was a menthol smoker, so I’ve found I prefer the menthol pods – it's a like-for-like experience.”

Willpower and doubt were Liam’s biggest barriers.

EDGE: What was your biggest challenge during the process?

Liam: “A combination of doubt and habit. There were lots of occasions through the day where my mind said, ‘it's time for a cigarette’. I also worried if it might have a negative impact on my diabetes. EDGE helped put my mind at ease by sharing the facts, I think a lot of people have the wrong idea about the risks of vaping. With the right info and a bit of time to adjust I’m a lot more confident in vaping as an alternative.”

Liam had attempted to quit on six previous occasions, going cold turkey each time.

EDGE: How did Switching with EDGE compare to the previous times you have tried to quit smoking?

Liam: “I tried to quit six times, but I just went cold turkey. It held for a month, but I was sacrificing time with friends as social situations felt too tempting. Now I’m vaping, I don’t have to shy away from social situations. I can do everything that I want to do without worrying.”

Ultimately Liam was able to overcome his doubts by exploring the facts.

EDGE: Do you feel you have achieved what you set out to at the beginning?

Liam: “I’m still working on quitting 100%, but I’m now at about 70% vaping, 30% smoking. Which I’m a lot more comfortable with! I don’t need to smoke when I’m stressed, I’m better off financially and I’m sleeping better! Having people there to support me was a big boost!”

Make the journey as natural as possible.

EDGE: What advice would you give to others looking to make the switch?

Liam: “I would really recommend the EDGE GO device. It's just click-and-go, it’s a practical size and that makes it really easy to integrate into your normal routine – you aren’t lugging around a massive device. Small goals are more manageable, I know from my past doing too much makes it unachievable. Try to make the journey as natural as possible.”

About Switch With EDGE

Part of our mission at EDGE Vaping is to help people to find an alternative to smoking.

Lots of our EDGE team members and customers alike, have used our devices and e-liquids to help take control of their habits.

We don’t expect you to take our word for it; that’s why we gave people the opportunity to sign up for the Switch with EDGE challenge.

Reasons why people joined


The cost-of-living crisis is very real, and smoking has never been more expensive in the UK than it is right now.

With the government pushing for big changes to achieve ‘smoke free 2030’ it is likely that costs will continue to rise. We made sure to check in with our volunteers to find out how much they felt making the switch had benefitted their finances!

Health, mental and physical

It is widely recognised that within as little as two weeks after giving up smoking, our bodies begin to repair some of the damage caused by cigarette smoke.

The will to avoid these health risks and get more active is a powerful motivator for many smokers looking for an alternative. Follow our success stories below to find out how making the switch changed things for our volunteers health!

It’s important to remember that every journey is different, and your goals are your own.

It doesn’t have to be about quitting, it’s about taking back control. Some of our participants quit altogether, others used vaping to help them reduce their habit to a more comfortable level – Do you have a similar goal?

Find out how our volunteers made vaping work for them!


We followed our volunteers’ journeys for 6 months, making sure they had the tools and support to keep going every step of the way – they had the option to drop out at any time.

We checked in on their progress throughout the 6-month period, and interviewed them at the end – each person had found at least one reason (or more!) to keep their vaping journey going despite the trial ending.

Want to be part of our next trial?

Inspired by any of our success stories? Considering making the switch yourself? You don’t have to go it alone!

We would love to help support your vaping journey, and we’d love to know how you find the experience.

Click the button below to sign up to Switch with EDGE – we’ll make sure you’ve got the tools for the job, and total control. In return, we’d like to tell your story.

The lessons and experiences you share might just make the difference and help convince someone to make a positive change in their own life – If you’ve been inspired today by the real-life journeys you’ve read here, we can help you pay it forward.

About The Products

We gave our Switch with EDGE volunteers access to our full EDGE vaping product collection, to allow them to experiment and find a device that worked for them.

Different lifestyles come with different needs, that’s why we have built the EDGE range to cater to those needs.


Compact, powerful, and discreet. The GO is our flagship pod device which is designed to make the vaping experience as convenient as possible.

Click and go magnetic pods, pre-filled with award-winning e-liquid, means minimal downtime and effortless flavour and strength swaps – ideal when first experimenting to find your ideal vape.


The Pro is our most advanced device, but it’s still effortless to use, thanks to patented rapid release coils and a mess-free maintenance system.

Unlike the GO, the pro is an ‘open system’ which means you can fill it with any of our 10ml e-liquid options, granting you the biggest choice of flavours and strengths. Ideal for both experienced and novice vapers alike.


How long does the trial last & Can I drop out if I need to?

The trial is a 6-month commitment. Throughout that time, you decide what products you use, you decide what your goals are, and you absolutely have the freedom to stop at any time. We know how hard quitting can be, we don’t want to add to that pressure.

Where can I learn more about your products and support before I sign up?

We’ve broken everything down in one place to make it super easy for you to read up and arm yourself with the knowledge to make an informed decision about your quitting goals. Head over to our Switch with EDGE area to find out everything you need to know. If your just curious about vaping in general and want to investigate further, get the latest news, how-to guides and more in our blog.

What if vaping doesn’t work for me?

That’s absolutely fine! Your quitting journey isn’t about vaping being the perfect solution, there are many different options available to those looking for an alternative. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), medication, or vaping; it doesn’t matter which you choose so long as it’s right for you – we’re here to support you either way, and would be happy just to know we helped you reach that decision. To learn about different cessation options (Nicotine Replacement Therapies AKA NRTs), check out our guide Finding the Right Alternative.

What will EDGE want from me?

Your story! Throughout the trial we will be in regular contact to ask you questions about your progress, any changes you have experienced, good or bad, since making the switch, and of course how you are finding using our products. During the trial we will be collecting this data to not only help us improve our products but also to help provide others with vital insights that can help them achieve their own goals. We may ask you if we can publish your story as a case study, but this is completely optional.

How do I sign up?

You’re in the right place! Click the sign-up button beneath our success stories to register for our next round, or head over to our Switch with EDGE where you can find out more information and register later.